Kentucky State University. (2023, November). Weaving Among the Youth: Education, school gardens, and curriculum training programs. Youth-led Panel. (Video).
Grantz, Jordan. (2023, October). Kentucky youth learn to grow and harvest fresh food in an urban garden. Spectrum News. (Article)
Powell, Curadhan. (2023, October). Young people in Louisville farming food in effort to transform community with Food Literacy Project. WLKY. (Video)
Garr, Robin. (2023, May). Love Food And Dining? Make Food Justice A Part Of Your Diet. LEO Weekly. (Article)
Sanders, Ford. (2022, August). ‘We wanted to farm 10 of those acres;’ Louisville nonprofits want to transform closed Shively golf course. WHAS. (Article)
Brown, Ashley N. (2022, July). Louisville teens increasing access to fresh produce in West End. Spectrum News. (Article)
Kentuckianaworks. (2021, August). Summerworks: Daniel and The Food Literacy Project. (Video)
Heitger-Ewing, Christy. (2019, October). Keeping It Fresh. St. Matthews Magazine. (Article)
Youth Community Agriculture Program. (2019, October 5). Panel at Sowers of Justice’s “Food First: A Place at the Table” Conference. Louisville, KY. (Video)
Youth Community Agriculture Program. (2019, Summer) (Video)
The 502 Report. (2019, May). The Food Literacy Project. (Video)
Loosemore, Bailey. (2019, January 10). How a low-income Louisville neighborhood became a fresh food oasis. Louisville Courier Journal. (Article)
Carter, Darla. (2018, October 10). Food Literacy Project at Iroquois Farm continues to blossom. Insider Louisville. (Article)
Hempel, Katelyn. (2018, October 10). The Food Literacy Project holds groundbreaking celebration on new teaching pavilion. WAVE3 News. (Article)
Ridley, Keivn. (2018, August). Bringing change to the table. Lowe’s Newsroom. (Article)
Yoo, Sharon. (2016, October 1). Former Iroquois housing complex transformed into community farm. WAVE3 News. (Article)
Shulhafer, Rachel. (2016, September 5). In This Food Desert, Kids Learn to Farm Veggies – Out of the Back of a Truck. Yes Magazine. (Article)
Keel, Eli. (2016, June 23). Food Literacy Project celebrates 10 years Saturday at Oxmoor Farms. Insider Louisville. (Article)
Mayfield, Colin. (2016, March 30). Urban farm taking over former Iroquois housing complext. WLKY News. (Article)