LeTicia “Land Cress” Marshall was born and raised in rural Kentucky. As a child, she remembers doing chores on her grandparents’ farm, paylake, and in the family-owned grocery store. As an adult, vegetable and herb gardening and farming has become a passion of hers; so much so that she started BearFruit & Grow. Here, the community can receive garden coaching services, buy plant starts for their gardens, and purchase farm fresh produce grown in outdoor and indoor urban farm gardens. LeTicia was led to the Food Literacy Project in October 2021, offering advocacy assistance after learning that the farm was being displaced. Currently, LeTicia is working to solve the issues of food apartheid, lack of food access, and other systemic food injustices in the Southwest and West communities of Louisville.
LeTicia graduated in 2008 from the University of Louisville with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology with a concentration in Social Sciences. She then went on to complete a Master of Science in Social Work from the Kent School. LeTicia has lived in Louisville for the past 18 years.