Kids harvesting in school garden.


A healthy and equitable community where people and places thrive.


Youth transforming their communities through food, farming and the land.

Core Values:

ENERGY: We are bold and inspired by our community.

ROOTS: We are grounded and purposeful, connected with people and dedicated to sustainably addressing community needs.

DISCOVERY: We embrace the joy of learning by doing.

CULTIVATION: We bring great care to our work and relationships; we nourish growth in our community, and in turn, are nourished ourselves.

ABUNDANCE: We leverage our community’s diverse assets to achieve personal and social change.

JUSTICE: We pursue fairness and equity.


Una comunidad saludable y equitativa donde la gente y los sitios prosperan


La juventud transformando sus comunidades a través de la comida, la agricultura, y la tierra.


ENERGÍA: Somos valientes e inspirados por nuestra comunidad.

RAÍCES: Somos sólidos e intencionados, conectados con la gente y
dedicados a cumplir con los nececidades de la comunidad en una manera

DESCUBRIMIENTO: Abrazamos el gozo de aprender a través de hacer.

CULTIVO: Traemos mucho cuidado a nuestro trabajo y a nuestras
relaciones; nutrimos al crecimiento de nuestra comunidad y en cambio somos nutridos nosotros mismos.

ABUNDANCIA: Hacemos uso de los recursos diversos de nuestra comunidad para lograr el cambio personal y social.

JUSTICIA: Seguimos a la justicia y a la equidad.

The Food Literacy Project strives to advance equity and increase belonging among traditionally excluded and marginalized populations. We address gaps in knowledge, experience, and access to empower young people, their families, and neighbors urgently in need of positive interaction with and regular access to healthful foods. Youth become change agents, promoting healthy foodways and environmental sustainability in their families, schools, and communities.

We believe Food Justice is Social Justice.