The Food Literacy Project (FLP) was founded in 2006 out of a community desire for young people to reconnect with soil, air, water, sun, and the people who work to feed us.
Rooted in an equity framework and grounded in the Social Ecological Model, FLP incorporates policy, systems, and environmental change strategies, responding to the complex and interactive layers of influence that intersect to enable or restrict young people’s overall wellbeing, long-term stability, and success. FLP takes a holistic approach – promoting healthy behaviors by improving individual knowledge, attitudes, and skills through direct experience, while also addressing systems-level social, economic, and environmental factors to influence root causes and conditions and build youth and community capacity to advance health, justice, and equity.
Leveraging food and sustainable agriculture, youth leadership, cross-sector partnerships, and neighborhood assets, FLP works toward a vision for a healthy and equitable community where people and places thrive. Young people advance food security, health, equity, and prosperity through a community food system. Our programs create youth employment, education, leadership, and career development opportunities; provide fresh local produce to Louisville neighbors in need; engage youth in seeking systemic solutions; and cultivate a generation of young people empowered to contribute meaningfully to shaping a healthier future.