Below is a list of items the we frequently use to facilitate our farm-based programs. Feel free to reach out to us for additional information or schedule a time to drop off your donation.  Or you can have items shipped directly to Food Literacy Project. Here is a link to our Amazon Wish List. Thanks for pitchin’-in!

Paper towels Sponges 50-gallon trash bags New outdoor vinyl tablecloths Picnic blankets Dishwashing soap (biodegradable preferred) Metal forks and butter knives Half-sheet baking pans Wire brushes and cleaning solution for oven Flexible cutting mats Propane Rectangular two-string hay bales Mason jars of all sizes (with or without lids)[/one_half]

[one_half_last] Kid-friendly knives (like these) Plastic reusable cups (like these) Trowels Garden snips Garden gloves for children Garden hoses (the kind you can drive over) Hose nozzle Steel T-posts Garden twine Watering cans Seed flats/trays Seeds (organic) Wooden pallets[/one_half_last]

If you would like to donate, please email info@foodliteracyproject.org and we can set up a delivery to the farm or send a staff member to pick up the items.

The Food Literacy Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit education organization that uses an urban farm as an outdoor classroom to engage young people and families in hands-on learning. Your gifts will help bring the field-to-fork experience to life for local youth!